Friday 26 September 2014

Art Battle 169

Willow encouraged my class to step outside our comfort zones and go to events and places that celebrate the arts this semester. She told us this would enrich our experience in the arts. I felt inspired so I decided to go to Art Battle 169 last Friday on September 19 at the Groop Gallery downtown on third avenue here in Prince George. It turns out that I had friends outside of the class who were also interested in going to the event so I went with my long-time friend Julie. I saw classmates Kristen and Byron when I was there there, too. Kristen was actually the one who recommended Art Battle 169 after Willow suggested the class should celebrate fine arts.

I had never been to such an event before and I was very impressed by the production. I did a wee bit of research on what Art Battle was and this is what I found. Basically, Art Battles are live competitive painting competitions held across the country every year and artists are chosen by popular vote to compete in a national Art Battle in Toronto. (Click here for more Art Battle information.) Last Friday, eleven painters competed in Art Battle 169 and the crowd chose local artist Cliff Mann to represent Prince George! Below I have posted photographs I took of Art Battle 169.

Round One

Round One Paintings

Round Two

Round Two Paintings

Crowd for Round Three

Round Three

Second Place: Amy Stoltz

Winner: Cliff Mann!


  1. Good to know some background about the event! Arts events at schools are not all of what teaching the arts is about but special events of all kinds can certainly invigorate a school's culture and engage all kinds of students. When you attend special events in the art world you will be better equipped to plan and organize special events that are unique to your schools. Thanks for the photos.

  2. I see what you are saying! Yeah, it would be great to get ideas at arts based functions for class- or school-wide events. I could see myself doing an art battle in my classroom one day depending on the age I am teaching...if my students are just little little guys I would probably hold off from having a competition but if they were older, say around grade 3 and up I would probably do it. Maybe I would modify it so that there were no winners and everybody competed for fun. Things to think about!

  3. Ah I'm so sad I missed this! That looks so cool. I would definitely like to try some variation of an art battle in my class :)

  4. I would try some kind of art battle in my class too! It seems fun. You could even use the activity as a formative assessment tool perhaps. Say you ask students what chiaroscuro is and then have them paint what they think it is in given length of a time (perhaps 20 minutes like the art battle), and then have students talk about their art and say what they thought chiaroscuro is. You could be finding out what students already know and at the same time covering PLOs associated with talking about and analyzing art. Students could even talk about each other's art. This would be fun!
